Ham on Wry IV

Ham on Wry IV
The Erik Friborg Celebration Classic

It’s that time. I’m going to ride this rocket once again. I am once more spitting in Death’s face, and celebrating the life and contributions of Erik Friborg, and the MTGO Community. Since Erik’s Birthday is on a Monday this year, I’m throwing the event the Sunday before.

Sunday, May 3rd 2015
Noon EST/1600 UTC

0800 1200 1700 2000

Constructed Vintage, X Rounds Swiss, T8

8-16 17-32 33-64 65-128 129-226 227+
4 5 6 7 8 9

Announcements and game chat: channel #HAM
Registration is open on Gatherling.
Intentional Draws are allowed.

Players, pairings, and standings for this Event, along with the current Prize Pool, can be seen here. Note the tabs at the bottom of the spreadsheet for easy navigation. You can review past events, as well.

The Riot Act…

Bullying, mobbing, foul language, & general rudeness will not be tolerated. This includes “snide remarks” about decks/playing ability, personal attacks, racial slurs, etc. A player will get 1 warning. Repeat violations will result in disqualification from the Event. This will be enforced. Flagrant violations may be screenshot and reported to WotC for harassment.

Please refrain from talking in other players games, or PMing players in a game. This will allow players to concentrate fully without interruption. We cannot prevent players from talking within their own game. If both players in a game agree to allow “peanut gallery” chat, this rule may be waived. Violations by players will get 1 warning. Repeat violations may result in disqualification from the Event. Flagrant violations may be screenshot and reported to WotC for harassment.

As people playing in my events over the years can attest, I will get medieval if the situation so demands. Don’t make me get naked.




If you want to make a personal pledge, clan-based pledge, bounty of some sort, or a direct donation, let me know. You can also help support Erik’s family by buying cards from Hammybot.


One of the many wonderful things that came out of the first Ham on Wry project was Hammybotwhich was set up by Heath over at MTGO Traders to sell off Erik’s MTGO collection. All of the proceeds from Hammybot are slated to go to Erik’s widow and boy-child.

Hammybot is still around, and prices are discounted to 5% below  MTGO Traders list. Hammybot still has over 25,000 cards left, and almost 6,700 Tickets have been raised! Be sure to check out Hammybot first for all your card needs, and help out a good cause! At the first Ham on Wry event, several players put up cards, boosters, and tickets as personal pledges and bounties. You can use Hammybot to purchase cards for use as pledges or bounties for this year’s event for a double dose of good karma!

Projected Payout:

With this much chum in the waters, I expect a large turnout, with a great many sharks. Erik was no carebear when it came to gameplay. In fact, I’d call him downright cut-throat. I expect a significant percentage of players showing up to not be carebears, either.

Once again, to be clear:
There will be sharks. Oh yes, there will be sharks.

hymn_to_tourach fxPrize Pool


Thank You to our Sponsors!


Face to Face Games has generously kicked in $100 store credit!


CardBot has generously kicked in $100 Bot credits!

logo clanteam

MTGO ClanTeam has generously kicked in $50 Bot credits!

mtgo traders sm
MTGO Traders has generously kicked in $100 gift certificates!

logo WotC
Wizards of the Coast has generously kicked in 75 Tempest Remastered boosters!

Alphabot has generously kicked in $100 Bot credits!

Cardhoarder has generously kicked in $100 Bot credits!

Dojo Trade has generously kicked in $50 Bot credits!

dark.confidant.mmBartimäus has pledged a MMA Dark Confidant to the highest placed (at end of Swiss rounds) non-powered deck w/out Bazaar of Bagdad.

MTGO Empire 400x400MTGO Empire has generously kicked in $50 Bot credits!


Fine Print

  • Valid email required for some prizes. I will contact you via PM in client if needed.
  • Players receive 3 points for a match win, 1 point for a match draw.
  • All pairings and standings will be generated via Gatherling, and are DCI compliant.
  • Deck changes between games are not allowed.
  • Games are played in the Constructed Open Play/Getting Serious play lobby. Games must be set as Constructed Vintage, watchable, timed at 25 minutes, best 2 of 3, and be labeled “Ham Round x” in the Comments section.
  • First person listed makes table. Players have 10 minutes to make and join tables from time of pairings announcement.
  • Bullying, mobbing, foul language, & general rudeness will not be tolerated. This includes “snide remarks” about decks/playing ability, personal attacks, racial slurs, etc. A player will get 1 warning, then be ejected from event.
  • Talking during other players games is discouraged. You may chat – within the guidelines above – within your own game. Violations by non event participants may be screenshot & reported to WotC for harassment.
  • Results must be posted via Gatherling Player CP (near bottom of page during active matches) before intermission. Results posted in the Ham on Wry chat room, or via PM, will be ignored. Results not posted before intermission will be declared a draw.
  • WotC employees are welcome to play, but are ineligible for any prizes.
  • “Double Queueing” is not allowed. If you are found playing in another event, including WotC events, during Ham on Wry, you will be dropped from the event.

Blippy Sluglord

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