Category Archives: Sexuality

American Cheese On White Bread w/Mayo (Freestylin’)

Ain’t no doubt that I be motherfuckiin’ spittin’
The words spewin’ out sprayin’ diarrhea shittin’
Dont give a damn if my shittin’ aint fittin’
The hip hop fans want titties not chicken
Flowin’ out fast, let ’em flood all over you
First to the last, don’t give a fuck if I’m a fool
So grab the bitch’s tits, suck those nipples
Drink the mothers milk as you give her pussy tickles
Get it flowin’ wet so it goes in slick and stick it
Pump it hard and fast pull it out and make her lick it
Gangstas of love you can take a page from me
With couple good shoves you can make the bitches scream
Four letter words in a four octave range
Roll her over in the clover and give her some strange
Ram it
Jam it
Cram it
DNA spatters on the bitch’s tramp stamp
Dammit I’m good
You know they all want that hard drivin’ wood

The Dirty Old Poet Side

If you can channel the muse
And she flows through you
Urging you to explore your womanly sensuality
And desires of your heavenly sexuality
Know that same muse
Flows through me

It should be no surprise
When that same muse urges me to explore
Thoughts similar to your own
Though far from womanly
My lust rages wanton
My brain cages the beast within
I am man

Freestylin’ From My Cock

Quite stoned
Raging bone
Mr. Happy grab the ‘phone
Be spittin’ out the view
From below
Nice and slow
Goin’ through
The dance

Nice and slow
Lay you low
I know
What you want
Bringin’ out yo’ ho’
Deep inside you know
What you want
Taste the fruit
From your lips with dew
Choc’late fruit
From you
Berries from your middle
Cherries from your ears
Rings from your nipples
Things to give you tickles
Dig for gold
South of the border
Maid to order
Til you beg and plead
In the knees
As I please
Sweat flows free
From your brow
From between
Sweet tits
I fit
In between
Sweat sheen
Sweet gleam in your eye
Fountain of paradise
I go inside
Rockin’ to the rhythm
Rollin’ rampant within
Warm wet muscle clampin’
Walls clamp toes curl
Time collapses in a whirl
Call to god
Reply is hurled
Deep inside
Worlds collide
Bodies tangled
As I dangle
Sniff through the wreckage
Till I find your package
Eat what I shoot
In the boot
Give a hoot
Don’t pollute
So cute
As you scooch
And I smootch your snatch
Front to back
Lips smack
Legs buck
Head rears
Time to hit second gear
Lift that derriere
On the pillow
Heated face glow
Lungs billow
Ass cheeks quiver
Sweat pours in a river
Time to deliver
Second silver
Love spray
Across your back
Hot splat
pat pat
Shot attack
Breathe the air from your mouth
Hands roaming south
Fingers in and out
The jade gate
Thirst not slaked
Time to bake
Your pie
Grinning eye
I slide
Into third gear
No fear
Open wide
Teeth hide behind lips
Sliding past the tip
It can just fit
I can feel it hit
The back and slide past
Slick and fast
Throat juice
Don’t puke
Roll you over in the clover
Drive into

Breakfast In Bed

Soft buzzing sounds
Much too dainty to be called snores
With a smile on your sleeping lips
My seed oozing out from inside you
Heavenly aromas waft
As I stand watching you sleep
Limbs akimbo, a knee peeps out
From under rumpled sheets
Such a shapely knee
It stirs the hunter within me
To eat what I shoot

Heavy Machinery Ain’t All It’s Cracked Up To Be

How can I write about my penis
Without sounding pretentious

This isn’t about bragging
About my tool used for shagging
Yes, it’s large and well proportioned
But people don’t realize the contortions
Such a thing entails
I can’t wear boxers because the freedom
Of Mr. Happy dangling down
Would end up pinched in my pants
I can’t think of romance
Over my wails

Sitting down while wearing boxers
(This may come as quite a shocker)
It hurts a lot sitting on my dick
It sounds funny, but it makes me sick

I wear briefs, and occasionally re-adjust
Because when something starts to combust
It’s so much easier to straighten a curl
Than have Mr. Happy get crushed

Waking up with morning wood
Bleary eyed, up I stood
Open door, knock on wood

Sitting down to take a shit
I must be careful how I sit
Toilet bowl water is not warm
When Mr. Happy sticks in his arm

Don’t get me wrong, I like what I got
My partners always seem to think it’s hot
When the monster comes out to play
Then refuses to go away

But sometimes, like today
When I pinched it in my leg
I wish it wasn’t so big


Damn I’m a horny old goat
Not that I’m here to gloat
But soon after finishing dinner
I came down to my cave with a glimmer
So I gave a mommy a call
The kids are going out to dance
For a few hours so we got a chance
To scratch each others inner beast
Each devouring in sloppy feast
Right there in the entrance hall
So I’m killing time before I go
Relaxing a moment and blowing a bowl
But in just a few minutes I’m going to show
How grizzled ol’ grampa makes mommy a ho’


‘Cuz I’m going
Back to her place
Sit on my face
Wiggle wiggle wiggle
Wriggle wriggle wriggle
Take a shower
Pink flower
Put that snatch
On my ‘stache
Wiggle wiggle wiggle
Wriggle wriggle wriggle
Mr Happy
Hard staffy
Move on down
Grind it ’round
Wiggle wiggle wiggle
Wriggle wriggle wriggle
Makin’ gramma
Scream and hollah
Like a schoolgirl
Rock her world
Red hair pillow swirls
Toes curled
Seed hurled
Deep inside
Spunk flies
Great ride
Side by side
Sweat dries
On our thighs
Mr Happy rise
Widen eyes
Smilin’ wide
Open thighs
Wiggle wiggle wiggle
Wriggle wriggle wriggle
Wiggle wiggle wiggle
Wriggle wriggle wriggle

Fucking Like Bunnies

Home again, after spending the night
At her place
On her bed
Fucking like bunnies

She felt so good in my arms
Her soft hair
Her warm voice
Fucking like bunnies

We finally collapsed about three am
In the midst of doing it again
Lying entangled, skin to skin

I woke her up the best way I know how
Her soft scent
Her warm legs
Fucking like bunnies

Cheap Date

She smoked all my cigarettes
She smoked all my weed
She drained me dry
Then had to leave

Im sitting here naked
Dried cum on my leg
I gave to her willingly
No need to beg

The smile on my lips
Won’t go away
A pack of smokes and 2 joints for sex?
A price I’ll gladly pay

Love Is Strange (If You Know What You’re Doing)

Down on all fours
Deliveries for both her doors
From above, from below
Pulling to the dock slow
From below, from above
Don’t forget to wear your gloves

Bare balls brush your leg
What do you say? It ain’t gay
If it’s a three way

Grab it if it slips
Put it back. It isn’t gay
If it’s a three way

Cum drips on your balls
It’s not yours. It isn’t gay
If it’s a three way